Early Civ V thoughts
The mighty Civilization V was released into the wild today and I’ve got the week off to partake of it.
The Good: Its pretty, its addictive, its got nice music, and its got smart mechanics
The Bad: Its crashing a lot on my computer, about once an hour or every other hour. Being a turn based game with auto-save this is not a huge problem but its annoying.
The Ugly (not really good or bad): Civ V is in some ways stripped down from Civ IV so its a simpler game in most respects, not simple mind you, but simpler. Its also a beast on system requirements. I was getting serious chop until I realized my SLI wasn’t turned on. It does have a very cool “iconic” style display, eschewing all the graphics for old school war-game symbols. A very cool touch that helps if your system chugs on all the pretty stuff.
See you in the history books!
Parents learn new stuff from their kids all the time. Had to look up SLI this go around.
I will look forward to seeing CIV IV in action at your place some time. Still getting a daily dose of CIV II on my old pc. Have CIV IV but don’t play it as much. Guess I am stuck in the past civilizations for some reason.
woops meant to say looking forward to seeing CIV V in action. My fingers are full of typos this week.
Its pretty fun, but its also a real system hog.
It would overwhelm my computers then as they are not nuclear powered.